Wikimedia Foundation Confidentiality Agreement for Nonpublic Information
Wikimedia Foundation dňa 6. novembra 2018 schválila nové Zásady prístupu k neverejným osobným údajom. V súlade s týmito zásadami dobrovoľníci s prístupom k neverejným osobným údajom (ako sú VRT dobrovoľníci, CheckUsers, Oversighters a Stewardi) sú povinní podpísať túto zmluvu o dôvernosti, aby si zachovali alebo získali prístup k neverejným osobným údajom. Pokyny na podpísanie zmluvy sú k dispozícii. Nadácia neudelí uznanie NDA dobrovoľníkom nadácie žiadateľom o roly dobrovoľníkov, ak žiadatelia žijú v jurisdikciách, ktoré blokujú (blokujú) prístup k Wikimedia projektov A existuje dôvod domnievať sa, že ich bydlisko je známe aj iným osobám ako jednotlivým žiadateľom a nadácii. Výnimky môžu byť udelené v jednotlivých prípadoch na základe žiadosti o preskúmanie právnym oddelením. Udelenie takýchto NDA by vystavilo žiadateľa (žiadateľov), ako aj iných dobrovoľníkov, ktorí sa spoliehajú na platformu nadácie, neprimeranému riziku. Všetky prístupové práva na základe NDA udelené používateľom, ktorí spĺňajú obe kritériá v navrhovanej úprave, sa v okamihu úpravy politiky zrušia. NOTE: The document intentionally states "X years of age" as the documents actually being signed may say either 16 years of age or 18 years of age depending on the role of the person signing it. The documents on Legalpad which volunteers are signing reflect the correct age for that specific document. |
Confidentiality Agreement - nonpublic personal data
You provide critical and valuable services and support to the Wikimedia movement, and the success of our projects depends on authorized Wikimedia community members like you. In return, you may be entrusted with confidential nonpublic personal data, including private user information. This agreement between you and the Wikimedia Foundation reflects our mutual commitment to protecting that information. By digitally signing and submitting this document you certify that you are at least X years of age and acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to this confidentiality agreement, which is between you and the Wikimedia Foundation.
Nonpublic personal data. Neveřejné informace jsou soukromé informace, včetně soukromých údajů uživatele, který získáte buď z nástrojů, které jsou vám poskytnuty jako autorizovanému členu komunity Wikimedia nebo od jiných takových členů. Oprávněnými členy komunity Wikimedia mohou být například, utajovatelé, revizoři, dobrovolní vývojáři a další podobné oprávněné role. Neveřejné informace zahrnují IP adresy a další osobní identifikační údaje, které nejsou veřejně k dispozici. Nezahrnují informace o uživateli, které uživatel jinak sám zveřejňuje na projektech Wikimedia.k
Exceptions to nonpublic personal data.
Nonpublic personal data does not include any information which (a) was publicly available at the time of disclosure; (b) became publicly available after disclosure without breach of this policy by you; (c) was in your possession before disclosure, as evidenced by your written records, and was not part of an earlier confidential provision of a Wikimedia policy; or (d) is required by law to be disclosed by you, but you promise to give the Wikimedia Foundation prompt notice of such legal requirement and comply with any protective order imposed on such disclosure.
Authorized community members.
Authorized community members are Wikimedia users who are entrusted, through a valid community- or foundation-run process, with information covered by the Wikimedia Privacy Policy. This includes community members with access to any tool that permits them to view nonpublic information about other users or members of the public, community members with the ability to access content or user information which has been removed from administrator view, and volunteer developers with access to nonpublic personal data. Authorized Wikimedia community members may include, for example, oversighters, checkusers, volunteer developers, and other similar authorized roles.
Protection of nonpublic personal data. Súhlasíš s:
- Comply with the Privacy Policy; the Access to nonpublic personal data Policy; and any other applicable and nonconflicting community policy relating to nonpublic information;
- Refrain from disclosing nonpublic personal data to anyone, except as permitted under those policies;
- přiměřeně zajistit svůj účet proti neoprávněnému přístupu a použití;
- Engage in the access, use, and disclosure of nonpublic personal data only as needed and allowed in your role as an authorized Wikimedia community member; and
- Email
an explanation of the nonpublic personal data you wish to disclose to outside parties such as law enforcement at least 10 days prior to the date of your anticipated disclosure.
You agree that, in case of a violation of this agreement, including improper access, use, or disclosure of nonpublic personal data:
- You will notify the Wikimedia Foundation of the violation immediately;
- You will delete or otherwise destroy all nonpublic personal data in your possession and control, if instructed by the Wikimedia Foundation;
- Your access to nonpublic personal data may be terminated; and
- The Wikimedia Foundation may pursue available legal remedies, including injunctive relief or, in the case of willful intent, monetary damages.
Other provisions. You also agree that:
- This agreement does not create an employment, agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between you and the Wikimedia Foundation;
- You may not transfer or assign your rights or obligations under this agreement;
- You are solely responsible for how you access and use nonpublic personal data, and your activity or account may be reviewed by other authorized users or the Wikimedia Foundation; and
- The laws of the State of California and the United States of America will govern this agreement (without reference to conflict of laws principles).
By typing your name below, clicking the check box, and clicking the "Sign Document" ("Sign Document") button below, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to this confidentiality agreement between you and the Wikimedia Foundation. Among other things, you must:
- (1) Keep nonpublic personal data, as defined in this confidentiality agreement, confidential;
- (2) Obtain prior written approval from the Wikimedia Foundation if you determine such information should be disclosed to any outside parties, such as law enforcement;
- (3) Comply with the Wikimedia Privacy Policy and the Access to nonpublic personal data Policy; and
- (4) Provide to the Wikimedia Foundation a valid email address linked to the account under which you have or are applying for access rights.
Miscellaneous text for translation purposes
By typing your name below, clicking the check box, and clicking the "Sign Document" ("Sign Document") button below, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree both to this confidentiality agreement between you and the Wikimedia Foundation as well as the VRT confidentiality agreement. Among other things, you must:
General Confidentiality Agreement - Nonpublic personal data
VRTS Users Confidentiality Agreement - Nonpublic personal data