Resolução : Requisitos e linhas diretrizes para capítulos futuros

This page is a translated version of the page Resolution:Requirements and guidelines for future chapters and the translation is 14% complete.
Resolutions Requisitos e linhas diretrizes para capítulos futuros Feedback?
This resolution approving the requirements for future chapters and guidelines for future chapters was approved by vote (4 supports, 2 abstentions) on 28 February 2007.

It is hereby resolved that:

Upon recommendation by the Chapter Committee, the Board approves the version of the document requirements and guidelines for future chapters as defined here:

To be used when dealing with applications for chapter status.

Motion to vote: Eloquence 21:51, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

Motion Seconded: Anthere 21:53, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

Passed with 6 votes (Jimbo's vote missing; 4 supports, 2 abstentions) - Feb 28 2007.