Resolution:Organisation of Wikimania 2006/ja
この提案は非アクティブと見なされます。それはウィキメディア財団理事会によって投票されていないため、ウィキメディア財団の決議ではありません。 本内容の原文である英語版と翻訳版で意味や解釈に相違が生じた場合、英語版原文を正文とする。 |
←決議 | ウィキマニア2006の組織 | フィードバック?→ |
This proposal concerning Wikimania 2006 was created on 15 December 2005, but was never voted upon. |
State : discussion. Will be proposed to next board meeting
Object: Wikimania is a regular conference for users of the wiki projects operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. The first conference was held in Frankfurt, Germany, on August 4–8, 2005. This resolution outline the specifications of the second conference to be held in mid-2006.
Goals of the event
- A primary goal is to promote the various Wikimedia projects and to help them improve their understanding of one another
- Secondary goals : Promotion
- 2006 specific goals : Contact with academics
- summer time, mid July to mid august
- ボストン(アメリカ合衆国)
- 3 days general meeting
- 2 hacking days, prior to main days
- we expect 300-500 attendees
- in majority Wikipedians from all over the world
- plus speakers - which may or may not be Wikipedians, with a request for a majority of Wikipedians (70-80 % of speakers)
- plus press (50-200) from all over the world
- plus keynotes speakers (a couple)
- plus sponsors (if interested to visit what they sponsor...)
- we expect to be in the range 100 000 - 300 000 dollars in terms of total expenses. Maximum cost for Foundation must be below 40 000 dollars.
Specific requirements
- (please add)
- See Wikimania 2006 Requirements.doc
Board member delegated
- Wikimania
- Wikimania 2006 Requirements.doc (sent by email to board members)
Proposed Anthere - 2005年12月15日
- Jimmy Wales:
- Tim Shell:
- Michaël Davis:
- Angela Beesley:
- Florence Devouard: