Resolution:Hardware purchase - September 2006

(Redirected from Resolution:Hardware Sept-06)
Resolutions Hardware purchase - September 2006 Feedback?
This resolution approving the purchase of the following hardware was approved on 28 September 2006.


The Technical Committee requests the following:

There is an urgent need for new application servers (Apache/squids), to address the record traffic the site has been receiving. This week traffic reports indicate > 18,000 requests per second, far above our routine traffic of 12,000 requests per second earlier this summer.

The current quotes are in four parts.

Part I & II are two orders of 30 servers each. The original quote prepared by Domas was for 60 Apaches at US$3,856.00 each, US$231,360.00 in total. Brad divided the order in half, and approved the first portion immediately as an emergency measure. Part II would be the remainder of the order (30 Apaches at US$3,856.00 each).

Part III is for database servers, Domas quoted 9 @ US$9,272.00, total of US$55,632.00.

Part IV is for image/storage servers. Total of US$24,316.00 for 2 at US$12,158.00 each.

It is hereby resolved that:

  1. The purchase of this equipment per Part I is ratified by the board.
  2. The purchase of the equipment per Part II is approved by the board.
  3. The purchase of the equipment per Part III is approved by the board.
  4. The purchase of the equipment per Part IV is authorized by the board, as amended.

Passed September 28, 2006

Note on 10th of december. The number of database servers bought was 6, not 9. The total quote is correct. There was a typo in the resolution. Anthere 02:06, 10 December 2006 (UTC)