维基媒体政策 |
维基媒体项目 |
基金会理事会与成员 |
其他 |
- 与使命、愿景及价值观的一致性
- 所有维基媒体筹款活动都必须严格保证与我们整体使命、愿景及价值观的一致性。它们不应给项目带来不必要的法律纠纷,或者其他对我们完成使命能力的干扰。
- 最小化的开支与干扰
- 所有维基媒体筹款活动必须以有效地从捐款人处筹款作为目标——缩减管理成本,对计划用户的干扰和打搅最小化,避免拖慢捐款进程。
- 透明度
- 所有维基媒体捐款活动对潜在捐款人务必真实。我们需要在他们捐款之前告知其捐款的去向。我们需要及时报告资金实际使用情况。
- 负责任:所有维基媒体募捐活动必须保证所募集的款项以已有的、第三方的、适当的财务控制标准,不会受欺诈或误用,而且必须遵守相关法律法规。
- 国际主义:我们的运动是全球性的,而我们的募捐活动也必须支援最方便的国际转款方式,以支持运动的优先目标。
- Independence
- We prefer a fundraising model in which we are supported primarily via the many-small-donors model, because this is the model that best supports our independence.
- Flexibility
- We do not need to adhere to a single monolithic model for fundraising: multiple donation streams are fine.
- Sustainable donor relations
- We must safeguard donor privacy in all fundraising interactions, and support effective communication with donors.
- Good faith
- The Wikimedia movement assumes that all movement participants are acting in good faith, with regards to each other's actions and intentions.
- Maximal participation
- Consistent with the principles of empowerment underlying Wikimedia's success, we should empower individuals and groups world-wide to constructively contribute to direct messaging, public outreach, and other activities that drive the success of Wikimedia's fundraising efforts.
The Wikimedia Foundation is deeply committed to decentralized pursuit of our mission and to supporting the long-term sustainability of chapters and other movement partners. Because of its role as operator of the websites, it has to be satisfied that any organization directly receiving donor funds will treat them with an appropriately high level of care and transparency.
An organization can directly receive donor funds as a payment processor if the following criteria are met:
- Sufficient money is raised by the movement annually in the organization's geography to merit the logistical effort.
- The organization offers tax deductibility or other incentives to local donors.
- There are no major regulatory issues limiting international flows of funds out of the country.
- The organization's current financial resources are not enough to fund proposed program work.
- The organization has a strong track record of transparency and efficiency, allowing the Wikimedia Foundation to confidently assure donors that donations to the organization will be safeguarded, and used in line with our transparency principles and the messages used to attract donors.
- The organization is living up to current fundraising agreements and reporting deadlines.
- The donation process clearly discloses information about the organization.
- ↑ 最初见于2010年10月通信和2012年1月维基媒体基金会决议中
- ↑
Originally from the August 2011 Board letter regarding fundraising accountability