Archive:Fund drives/2005/Q4/Daily report

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Friday 16 December

The equivalent of $9,551.60 was donated on the first day of the fund drive. Thanks to Brooke Vibber, our Chief Technical Officer, we have a near real time donation tracking page at:

The Detail page for each day of the drive has individual entries for anybody who donates through PayPal. You can see the amount donated, their name (if they gave permission for that) and a comment. I encourage everybody to read those comments.

Selected donor comments


Here are some examples that caught my eye:

  • "Knowledge is Freedom" by anonymous
  • "merci pour cette banque de ressources" by Axel de nazelle
  • "This is what the internet was intended for." by Ned Miles
  • "Much better for you than Gates!" by percy westwood
  • "Thanks wikipedia you rock!" by Oliver Stirling
  • "Thank you for a good project!" by Akifumi Kato
  • "I need Wikipedia" by Yohei Takiguchi
  • "Thank you for your dedication and scholarship." by John Clayton
  • "Macht weiter so" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia has saved my academic career so many times! Thank You!" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is an exceptional and very unique resource. Worth every dime ;-]" by Daniel Ushman
  • "Continuem este belo projeto" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is a revolution so large it is difficult to comprehend" by Louis Mackall
  • "Wikipedia I love you!!!" by Jonathan Takahashi
  • "Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya ( Lead me from Darkenss to light)" by anonymous
  • "wikipedia makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside" by Edward Scott
  • "Danke für die Hilfe bei etlichen Dokus und Referaten =)" by Jan Stuhlmann
  • "The shape of things to come..." by James Wonder

And my personal favorite:

  • "I call you my husband's mistress because you get his attention much of the time..." by anonymous
  • "^_^" by anonymous

-- Daniel Mayer

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Saturday 17 December

The equivalent of $11,557.74 was donated through PayPal on Day 2 of the Fund Drive, an increase of more than $2000 over Day 1. Only a small amount was donated through Moneybookers on Day 2 (about $30). I won't get updates on the Dexia and mail donation totals until Tuesday at the earliest.

Here is the PayPal breakdown for Day 2:

AUD     90.36     (67.81 USD)    
CAD 	507.95 	  (418.00 USD)
EUR 	2,186.87  (2,656.37 USD)
GBP 	550.20 	  (986.67 USD)
JPY 	24,058.00 (217.36 USD)
USD 	7,211.52
Total 	11,557.74 USD

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Fund drive tracking bar added

A great deal of thanks needs to be extended to Brooke Vibber, our Chief Technical Officer, for his implementation of a near real time fund drive tracking bar that is now on top of each page in the English Wikipedia. Localized versions are planned once more features are added to his tracking system.

Each of the minor ticks on the bar represent a $25,000 milestone while the 5 major ticks represent $100,000 milestones. There is no monetary goal to this drive, so more ticks will be added if we fill the current bar up.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.


Here are some that caught my eye (I wish I could list more):

  • "This is an amazing website." by Brian Reilly
  • "Pour la réussite d'un des plus beaux projets de ce millénaire..." by anonymous
  • "This site is everything the web promised to be." by anonymous
  • "Proof that collaboration can work" by anonymous
  • "who thought this idea up is a genus" by Michelle Collins
  • "ich verwende wikipedia unzählige Male im Jahr; dieser Dienst ist vorbildlich. keep it up :)" by Alexander Stromer
  • "one of the best projects on earth" by anonymous
  • "As soon as I get a job I'll donate a lot more!" by Alex Adamson
  • "Frei zugaengliches Wissen: grossartige Sache" by Marc zur Oven
  • "For man's knowledge is only as great as its accessibility." by Shawn Strider
  • "Thanks for collecting world's intelligence" by Masashi Sano
  • "Wikipedia has been invaluable to me as a college student who returned to school after 25 years!" by anonymous
  • "parabéns e obrigado por tantas ajudas" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is the history of the future!" by LUZIAN WILD
  • "São iniciativas como a Wikipedia que nos dão esperança de que nosso lindo planetinha azul ainda tem salvação." by Marcus Salmeron
  • "Knowledge should belong to humanity" by Paul Patton
  • "Wikipedia ist nett." by anonymous
  • "Don't stop! Keep on doing what you're doing." by Carl Juhnke
  • "I think Wikipedia is going to be an important part of this planet's future." by Nathan Russell
  • "Fight the good fight" by anonymous

And my personal favorites:

  • "for making the internet not suck" by Kristoffer Dahl
  • "You're better for my brain than 10 Frappucinos!" by anonymous
  • "Vandal-fighting's like a video game to me. Makes sense to me that I donate 50 dollars to keep the site alive!" by Jay Converse
  • "Love this site. More accurate than cable news!" by jay gazlay
  • "Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur" by John Horth

-- Daniel Mayer

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Sunday 18 December

The equivalent of $16,285.68 USD was donated through PayPal on Day 3 of the fundraiser and $273.38 through MoneyBookers. This is an increase of about $5000 over Day 2 and also an all time record for a single day in any fund drive we've ever had so far. The previous record was $14,085.10 and was set on 24 August 2005 during our last fund drive.

Day total: $16,559.06

Here is the PayPal breakdown for Day 3:

AUD     382.44    (287.02 USD)
CAD 	1,007.10  (828.75 USD)
EUR 	2,486.35  (3,020.14 USD)
GBP 	612.22 	  (1,097.89 USD)
JPY 	41,992.00 (379.40 USD)
USD 	10,672.47
Total 	16,285.68 USD

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Analysis by R3m0t

English Wikipedia user R3m0t kindly created the following analysis of Day 3 PayPal data:

Donations under $50 (other currencies were converted) accounted for $11400 or 67% of the total intake on that day. Donations under $100 accounted for 84%. Donations under $200 accounted for 93%. The largest donation, $1,000, accounted for 6%. $10: 12%; $20: 30%; $30: 50%.

The most common donation was $10-$10.49 (there were 86 such donations).

The correlation between being anonymous and giving large amounts of money is 0.01189268 - not significant. However, the top 5 donations ($200 or above) are all anonymous, and 62 of the top 100 donations are anonymous.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.


Here are some that caught my eye (many great comments could not be included here):

  • "Wikipedia is my browser's home page" by Maneesh Sahu
  • "I am pleased to be able to contribute to what may be the most significant project in human history." by Conrad Dunkerson
  • "Wikipedia is the best website on the internet!" by Peter McGinley
  • "Ich finde die Idee und vor allem das Ergebnis beeindruckend. Ich nutze es oft. Weitermachen!" by Hermann Herz
  • "Love Wikipedia! Most visted website on my computer! Keep up the good work!" by Ian Thompson
  • "ma plus fidèle référence" by Celine Racicot
  • "Wikimedia projects have helped me dozens of times. Now I'd like to help Wikimedia back." by Asahiko Matsuda
  • "Aidons la poursuite du savoir!" by Jacques Tremblay
  • "Wikipedia is symbolic of what our modern society must be. Keep up the good work!" by Andrew Engelbrecht
  • "This site has allowed me to tap into the knowledge of experts in subjects from the most trivial to the profound - thank you for this opportunity!" by Samantha Line
  • "Wikipedia is one of the best things that happend to the world in the last years." by anonymous
  • "Für Freies Wissen" by Werner Stefan
  • "Wikipedia has helped me so much. I can't let anything happen to it." by Anthony White
  • "My Christmas present to Wikipedia!" by Tom Maisey
  • "I'll do whatever it takes to keep Wikimedia from corporate takeover." by anonymous
  • "in loving memory of Άναξιμένης" by Michael Linksvayer
  • "Wikipedia gives me renewed faith in humanity." by anonymous
  • "Life without Wikipedia would not be the same" by Mark Nathans
  • "Bravo !" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Knowledge is priceless" by Gregory Cain
  • "When I get rich I'll donate more! Thank you." by Efrem Rensi
  • "Education is the only equalizer" by anonymous
  • "for my children" by Asa Canaway

-- Daniel Mayer

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Monday 19 December

The equivalent of $12,735.50 USD was donated through PayPal on Day 4 (Monday 19 December), making it the second most successful day so far in this drive! A total of 628 individual donations (the second highest) were made yielding an average donation of $20.28 (lowest average thus far). Dexia total for the day is €110 ($132.19) via 5 donations. Accumulated donations passed the $50,000 milestone on Day 4!

Total for the day: $12,867.69

Here is the PayPal breakdown for Day 4:

AUD     429.03    (321.99 USD)
CAD 	823.33 	  (677.53 USD)
EUR 	2,297.97  (2,791.32 USD)
GBP 	578.73 	  (1,037.84 USD)
JPY 	17,274.00 (156.07 USD)
USD 	7,750.76
Total 	12,735.50 USD

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Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.


Here are some examples that caught my eye:

  • "De plus en plus utile! Merci!" by Etienne Boucher
  • "Protect Our Free Speach" by anonymous
  • "Thank you for all the information (and fun) I've had from you" by Steve Czyrko
  • "Thank you so much for such a fantastic resource!" by Emily Gillis
  • "Wikipedia is the culmination of all that is good about the information age." by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is one of the pillars of the egalitarian Internet" by Christian Cotichini
  • "Very happy to support this excellent project - User:Ianblair23" by IAN S BLAIR
  • "Wikipedia is the single greatest asset to knowledge on the Internet." by Adam Greenfield
  • "A small price compared to the priceless knowledge gained." by anonymous
  • "What a lovely place to get information." by anonymous
  • "Your site has become a treasure-trove of information for me. Please take this as a small token of my esteeem" by James Kamakahi
  • "I am proud to support the greatest learning resource on the web." by Simon Smith
  • "Human knowledge should not be subject to intimidation" by anonymous
  • "Was gut ist muß gut bleiben." by Ulf Kuessner
  • "Thank you for using the Internet for good." by anonymous
  • "Borg Lojasiewicz : Thank You to everyone who contributed to the expansion of my prosthetic mind." by wanda lojasiewicz
  • "Wikipedia has helped me many times in the past and I hope it will help me many times in the future." by Henrique Rodrigues
  • "This is truly a great resource that deserves community support. Let's keep it free for all who may seek knowledge and information." by John Woody
  • "The finest resource on the web." by Tvrtko Crnkovic-Dodig
  • "A buck a week! Well worth it." by John Hahn

My personal favorites:

  • "For the future" by Samuel Borgman
  • "Drop by drop the sea rises..." by Rene Rex
  • "It is a far better thing we do..." by Ian Yorston
  • "the light of truth can be hidden but not stopped" by Timothy Bates
  • "You make me look smart." by anonymous
  • "Merry Festivus!" by Chai Trakulthai

-- Daniel Mayer

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Tuesday 20 December

The equivalent of $12,494.80 USD was donated through PayPal on Day 5 of the fund drive (Tuesday 20 December). While this is a small decrease from Day 4 ($240.70), it does represent a higher average per donation ($22.72 vs $20.28). A total of 550 donations were made on Day 5; the largest was a $2000 anonymous donation made early in the day.

The first mail donations made during the fund drive have come in. A total of $75 has been received so far at the Wikimedia office. MoneyBookers donations for Day 5 were about $80, bringing that total to $383.38. 18 donations wired to our Dexia account totaled €371 ($445.83) today.

Total for the day: $13,095.63

PayPal breakdown for Day 5:

AUD     420.72    (315.75 USD) 
CAD 	362.49 	  (298.30 USD) 
EUR 	2,429.82  (2,951.48 USD) 
GBP 	328.86 	  (589.74 USD)
JPY 	39,684.00 (358.54 USD)
USD 	7,980.99
Total 	12,494.80 USD

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Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

  • "Information wants to be free" by anonymous
  • "Knowledge is the future - thank you for sharing it! A true daily user" by anonymous
  • "Wissen ist Macht. Und die Macht sollte beim Volk liegen und nicht bei Verwertungsgesellschaften." by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia embraces the spirit of the internet and every page is an investment for all human knowledge" by Orion Pronk
  • "Thank you from a poor student from Germany" by Dominik Pich
  • "Wikipedia rocks." by anonymous
  • "a wonderful resource - my kids find it indispensible for school" by erik hoel
  • "Wikipedia ist ein tolles Nachschlagewerk für welches sich lohnt zu unterstützen." by anonymous
  • "gift economies are beautiful things. and i know what a gift economy is thanks go wikipedia." by anonymous
  • "いつも豊富な知識を貰っています。どうもありがとう。" by genta uemura
  • "Used Wiki many times. A true encyclopedia. The truth shall set you free." by Higinio Sanchez
  • "Wikipedia is an invaluable source of accessible information in the overclogged information highway" by Anh-Thu Nguyen
  • "Your work is really important" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia helps fulfill the internet's promise of democratization and equalization of information." by anonymous
  • "Knowledge is the key to freedom" by John Rosato
  • "It is my honor and duty" by anonymous
  • "Got Wiki?" by Jun Yan

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "a small step for a better world" by Mathieu Francois
  • "If Plato would have the internet he would constantly read Wikipedia." by anonymous
  • "Best signal to noise ratio on the internet today" by Simon Pichette
  • "I have an atrocious memory - Wikipedia fills in the blanks!" by Ian Henderson
  • "For all the library late fees Wikipedia has saved me." by Jonathan Voris
  • "Thank you! Truly... thank you!!" by Dominick Daoust
  • "All of us are smarter than any off us!" by Michael Doherty
  • "Knowledge will never be burnt again" by anonymous

-- Daniel Mayer

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Wednesday 21 December

A total of 497 donors gave the equivalent of $12,466.34 USD through PayPal on Day 6 (Wednesday 21 December) of the fundraiser. While this is a very small decrease from Day 5 ($28.46) it does represent a modestly higher average donation ($25.08 vs $22.72). Moneybookers donations amounted to about $90, bringing that total to $474.77. €223.69 ($268.74) was added to the Dexia account via 14 donations. No update today on mailed donations.

Day total: $12,825.08

PayPal breakdown for Day 6:

AUD     118.20     (88.71 USD) 
CAD 	585.97 	   (482.20 USD) 
EUR 	2,497.40   (3,033.57 USD)
GBP 	735.10 	   (1,318.25 USD)
JPY 	52,112.00  (470.83 USD)
USD 	7,072.78
Total 	12,466.34 USD

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Special thanks to large donors

The largest donation this day was $500.00 USD and was made by Manoj Padki. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (alphabetical order); Raed Abdullah, David Bosman, Lindy Do, Rex Fujikawa, Tom Gally, Neil Greenleaves, Hartmut Geissbauer, Peter Goddard, Ryan Hoffman, Manoj Padki, Graham Laundon, Eugene Mihaliuk, Michael Nadler, William McQueen, Steve Reseigh, Anand Shukla and 15 anonymous donors.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "軽くなったらいいなぁ……" by anonymous
  • "I am happy to support this fantastic resource. I urge everyone to do the same." by Oliver Gouldthorpe
  • "A wonderful tool for learning. Please keep up the good work!" by anonymous
  • "WikiPedia ist wunderbar. Dieser Ansatz wird einiges umwälzen." by anonymous
  • "free is the mind - as should be knowledge" by Christian Schubert
  • "Wikipedia is pretty much the best general source on information in the world." by anonymous
  • "so much useful information & easily accessible – keep up the good work" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is the best starting point for researching any topic." by anonymous
  • "Thank you. Freedom has no price." by anonymous
  • "You've set up a great infrastructure. The articles will keep getting better!" by anonymous
  • "Will donate everytime to a good cause - Knowledge should be free to everyone who seeks it" by Collin Wu
  • "Many thanks for the incredible service; keep up the good work!" by Peter Goddard
  • "for the continuance of free knowledge" by anonymous
  • "What is the internet without wikipedia ?" by David Bosman
  • "Das ist es wert!" by Alexander Buesing

Some of my personal favorites:

  • ""Knowledge is power" and thanks for making this so accessible." by anonymous
  • "This site is a major foundation block in the history of the Internet and our information-rich future. Please donate if you haven't already -- even $5 from enough people will add up! =)" by anonymous
  • "thanks for opening my eyes to this great planet and its inhabitants" by anonymous
  • "wikimedia is the seed of the New Enlightenment" by Jonathan Mayer
  • "Wikipedia gets a big hug from a grad-schooler. I want to have wiki-babies with this website. Kudos and mega-thanks." by anonymous
  • "Indispensable!" by Steve Reseigh

-- Daniel Mayer

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Thursday 22 December

A total of 455 donations were made through PayPal on Day 7, yielding the equivalent of $10,107.89 USD. The average donation that day was $22.22. Small increases in mail and Moneybookers donations brings those totals to $95 and $545.33 respectively. I'm still waiting for the first Dexia updates to be mailed to me.

Day total: $10,199.84

Breakdown of PayPal donations:

AUD     172.41    (129.39 USD) 
CAD 	364.36 	  (299.84 USD) 
EUR 	3,132.43  (3,804.93 USD)
GBP 	273.99 	  (491.35 USD)
JPY 	29,012.00 (262.12 USD)
USD 	5,120.26
Total 	10,107.89 USD

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Special thanks to large donors

The largest donation this day was $500.00 USD and was made by Lawrence Lessig. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Dr Horst W Doelle, J Nasser, Sebastian Kloska, Joseph Emile MARTIN, Urs Gilgen, Frederique Guilbert, Robert Matthews, James Craig, Jonathan Brown, Chris Sachs, Andrew Maretz, Paul Seet, Tabrez Syed, Lawrence Lessig and 10 anonymous donors.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "Go Wiki Go!" by Drew Williams
  • "Keep up the good work! Despite the annoying vandals, Wikipedia is great and I've learned alot through making edits. Thanks --Kmf164" by anonymous
  • "For Paul Wright for Christmas" by anonymous
  • "布施いたします。" by anonymous
  • "Thank you for showing the power of sharing." by Lee Carleton
  • "I'm poor. But I love cool stuff!" by Rasmus Rydstrom
  • "С точки зрения глобальной градации..." by anonymous
  • "without you i could not do my assignments!" by alexander onea
  • "Good job guys(and girls of course)! Every reader should donate 1 EURO and the progress bar will fast increase! Gruesse aus Deutschland!" by Oliver Moeller
  • "I've already gotten more value than my donation." by Vincent Wright
  • "I use Wikipedia so much that I would feel guilty if I didn't donate." by anonymous
  • "Ich bedanke mich!" by Alfred Soehl
  • "first point of reference for almost everything" by anonymous
  • "Quickly replacing Google as my first destination for information on a topic -- in a few years I suspect we won't know how we lived without it." by Conor Sen
  • "go portuguese wikipedia!" by Luis Fagundes
  • "Thanks mates!" by Florian Antretter
  • "Weiter So!!!!!!!" by Steffen Rehnig

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Proof that the best things in the world are free." by Vijay P Choksi
  • "Simply the greatest website and information resource in the history of the world. I am immensely proud of this site" by Paul C. Chapman
  • "Wikipedia is built on millions of small edits. Let's keep it alive with millions of small donations." by James Lovell
  • "Wikipedia makes me look with hope at the future of humanity." by Dario Teixeira
  • "For Freedom" by James Hanks

-- Daniel Mayer

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Friday 23 December

A total of 359 donations were made through PayPal on Day 8, yielding the equivalent of $6,811.27 USD. The average donation that day was $18.97. While this is both the lowest daily total and the lowest average donation so far in the drive, it was not unexpected; a great many people were very busy getting ready for Christmas that day.

Moneybookers donations rose by about $140, bringing that total to $687.85. Mail donations increased by $625, our largest daily increase in mail donations in the drive so far, bringing that total to $720. Dexia total for the day is €260 ($313.90) via 10 donations.

Day total: $7,890.17

Breakdown of Day 8 PayPal donations:

AUD     197.99    (148.59 USD)
CAD 	142.46    (117.23 USD)
EUR 	1,912.28  (2,322.83 USD)
GBP 	178.50 	  (320.10 USD)
JPY 	30,883.00 (279.03 USD)
USD 	3,623.49
Total 	6,811.27 USD

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Special thanks to large donors

The largest donation this day was $200.00 USD and was made by Barry Langdon-Lassagne. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Romary Daval, Domas Mituzas, KENGO Nakajima, Alan Rhodes, Lutz Kayser, James Hare, and seven anonymous donations.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "An eminently worthy undertaking" by Craig Glennie
  • "Longue vie au libre partage des connaissances!" by Philippe Teuwen
  • "I don't know how we got on without Wikipedia. Please don't cave it to pressure groups." by anonymous
  • "This donation to Wikipedia is in memory of McRae Family, Ottawa,Ontario,Canada" by Craig McRae
  • "Poursuivez votre labeur fantastique" by anonymous
  • "The best reference that ever existed" by David Kirkpatrick
  • "I'm very grateful to Wikimedia. Because of it I can do research very quick. I am living with Wikimedia whenever I have free time during the day" by Tam Nguyen
  • "Wissen ist Macht! Keep up the great work!" by André Heßling
  • "I donate for a clean and proven Wikipedia" by anonymous
  • "Merry Christmas and many Greetings from Austria to Wikipedia" by Manfred Halver
  • "Wikipedia's open/free nature is really what allows it to thrive. I think a service like this would not be possible if it weren't for Free Software. Please consider donating to at" by Pol Danilov
  • "Wikipedia ist der wahre Geist des Webs! Weiter so!" by Peter Köller
  • "I hope you guys realize what a huge effect you have on the Internet community, and we the users truly appreciate the immense work you put in. LONG LIVE WIKIPEDIA!" by Edwin Choi
  • "I will be giving more as money comes in (chrismas is a costly time)" by anonymous
  • "Por plibonigado de Vikipedio." by Gokhan San
  • "In honor of my Godparents Lucy, John, Theresa and Ron...Happy Christmas!" by Josh Courteau
  • "This project has saved me much more than this in time, convenience and useful knowledge. I'll be *paying another visit here soon enough." by Stephen Allen
  • "in honor of Aaron Kuntz" by anonymous
  • "gracias a vosotros" by Raul Aguaviva
  • "" by anonymous
  • "naturally..." by KENGO Nakajima

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Use the site so much, would be criminal not to!" by Jack Hynes
  • "You changed my life, guys. I am sorry I can only contribute with such a modest amount." by anonymous
  • "The greatest progress of mankind in the last 5 years." by Michael Young
  • "let us be even more successful than Britannica" by anonymous
  • "My bonus check, with love." by Jeffrey Friedlander
  • "Rock on, Wikipedia. Rock on." by anonymous
  • "No comment." by anonymous

--Daniel Mayer

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Saturday 24 December

A total of 264 donations were made through PayPal on Day 9, yielding the equivalent of $8948.90 USD. The average donation that day was $33.90. This is an increase of $2137.63 over Day 8 and is also the highest average donation so far in the drive. Most notably, we passed the $100,000 milestone on this day!

MoneyBookers donations rose by $46.73 that day, bringing that total to $734.58. The Wikimedia office was closed on Saturday, so there are no new mail donations to report. Hopefully, the first Dexia updates will arrive in my mail box on Tuesday (Monday is a federally-observed holiday). Once they arrive, I'll update each of the daily reports to reflect those daily totals.

Total donated on Day 8: $8995.63

Breakdown of Day 9 PayPal donations:

AUD     164.50     (123.46 USD)
CAD 	444.22     (365.55 USD)
EUR 	1,591.07   (1,932.66 USD)
GBP 	275.95 	   (494.86 USD)
JPY 	104,248.00 (941.88 USD)
USD 	5,090.49
Total 	8,948.90 USD

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Special thanks to those who gave large donations

The largest donation this day was $1000 and was made by Jeff Moe. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Luis Cavique Santos, Kazuhisa Ueyama, James Sweeney, Mike Blaszczak, Katsuji Ishikawa, Kenneth Truelove and 15 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "grazie per lo sforzo" by anonymous
  • "I've saved a lot of money here that I might have spent on out-of-date reference books printed on dead trees." by anonymous
  • "I firmly believe that Wikipedia deserves the support of all of its users." by M Dunsky
  • "Wenn man schon in der Hauptsache kostenfreie Dienstleistungen nutzt, sollte man auch den Anstand besitzen, etwas zu bezahlen, vor allem wenn finanzielle Unterstützung dringend gebraucht wird." by anonymous
  • "Grateful for the wealth of information so brilliantly put together. A great idea and sincere hopes for continuing development; hence the donation" by anonymous
  • "For Mark Fox" by anonymous
  • "Thank you. You have helped so many with their coursework and assignments. Always a guarantee to find updated, easy to understand and informative stuff on Wikipedia." by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is an example of cooperation, participation and innovation. Keep information free!" by Damon Ramsey
  • "The best thing I ever saw on the net" by Maarten Braakhekke
  • "頑張って欲しい" by kazuhisa Ueyama
  • "Knowledge guarantees Freedom" by anonymous
  • "Wish the Wikimedia Foundation another successful year in 06. BTW thank you for the Christmas card." by Eric Bouse
  • "Wikipedia is what the internet was made for. Here's a little donation to help the people who make it possible :D" by George Kettleborough
  • "zur weiterentwicklung" by Thomas Junge
  • "Wikipedia: my reference work of choice! Thanks, everybody!" by anonymous
  • "An indispensable resource, an elegant site, no advertisements, and a worthy cause." by anonymous
  • "Keep the change" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "You are a great resource, for the people, of the people and by the people. And in fact, I got a crucial pointer in my research from one of your articles. Thank you." by anonymous
  • "I can't think of a better project to donate to!" by anonymous
  • "for freedom of knowledge and privilege of education for everyone" by Christoph Wagner
  • "I wear my Wikipedia t-shirt with pride!" by anonymous
  • "So much to learn, so little time..." by anonymous
  • "Are you hiring?" by Mike Blaszczak

-- Daniel Mayer

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Sunday 25 December

A total of 234 donations were made through PayPal on Day 10, yielding the equivalent of $7,167.94 USD. The average donation that day was $30.63.

Day total: $7,167.94

Breakdown of Day 10 PayPal donations:

AUD     143.20    (107.47 USD)
CAD 	247.28 	  (203.49 USD)
EUR 	1,174.48  (1,426.63 USD)
GBP 	132.56 	  (237.72 USD)
JPY 	42,112.00 (380.48 USD)
USD 	4,812.15
Total 	7,167.94 USD

Copied from:

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

There was a tie for the largest donation made this day; both Larry Skarpness Jr and K J Raymond Wong gave $500 USD. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Marcel Duchamp, Daniel Stark, Marco Klaey, Nathan Oravetz, Thomas Azlin, Jack Child, David Harding, and 14 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "Wikipedia is the best information resource on the net!" by David Huston
  • "Thank you for such a great resource! It's refreshing to see the internet being put to use to serve humanity in a positive way. Keep up the great work!" by anonymous
  • "My only wish is for Wikipedia to remain impartial and free from conflict of interests." by K J RAYMOND WONG
  • "Ein bisschen Geld für eine große Sache!" by Uwe Schröder
  • "This is an amazing concept...all of the world's information in one place" by Hanna Arthur
  • "What I have gained from Wikipedia is much more than this donation..." by anonymous
  • "Por que el conocimiento sea de todos y para todos." by Eugenio de la Torre Domingo
  • "One of the best things happening on Planet Earth right now" by ADRIAN LE GRAND
  • "Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to this amazing project" by James Agnew
  • "I recommend Wikipedia to my American University students, although I also require alternate sources. Keep up the good work." by Jack Child
  • "Wikipedia is brilliant" by anonymous
  • "I cannot thank everyone involved with Wikipedia enough.. this is truly one of the greatest ongoing human endeavours of our time.. We can make history,together!" by Matthew Barba
  • "Best project in the world" by Juan Bautista Valdés Menéndez
  • "Wikipedia forever!" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "This is from my girlfriend Jennifer Marcotte who uses wikipedia too regularly to write her university papers." by Alexander Besant
  • "Maybe Wikipedia is the first real route to unlocking information for those parts of the world were information is hard to get." by Ber Kessels
  • "Amazing, like having a libary on my computer" by Charles Taber
  • "The more you know, the more you know that you don't know anything. I once thought that I was the first to realize that. Happy holidays and a great new year to all. If I can do this then so can you." by Larry Skarpness Jr
  • "If only I'd had wikipedia when I was a kid." by Danilo Campos
  • "Only the educated are free. -- Epictetus" by Benjamin Oakes

-- Daniel Mayer

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Monday 26 December

A total of 257 donations were made through PayPal on Day 11, yielding the equivalent of $5,813.09 USD. The average donation that day was $22.62.

A total of about 38.10 was donated through MoneyBookers since the last update, bringing that total to $772.68. Today was a postal holiday and thus there are no mail or Dexia donations to report.

Day total: $5,851.19

Breakdown of Day 11 PayPal donations:

AUD     38.09     (28.59 USD)
CAD 	297.88 	  (245.13 USD)
EUR 	1,823.94  (2,215.52 USD)
GBP 	213.49 	  (382.85 USD)
JPY 	40,160.00 (362.85 USD)
USD 	2,578.16
Total 	5,813.09 USD

Copied from:

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

Christian Hoffmann gave the largest donation this day; € 200. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Jeff Lima, Craig Hirsch, and 9 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "The best of what the Internet promised" by Beth Gibson
  • "Danke für das große Lexikon" by anonymous
  • "What a wonderful site, I use it every day. It is a natural for my Opera start-up page. I only wish I had more to give. Thank you, thank you so much Wikipedia!" by Shari Wilson
  • "Keep up the good work!" by Chris Bunch
  • "Free Information for Everyone." by Christoph Dankert
  • "Faites le pour nous, et pas pour votre portefeuille." by Yoann GUETTA
  • "Keep it up! You help me do my degree! I love you people!" by Robert Griffin
  • "Using the site quite often, so why not "paying" a little bit for it ... Just keep going!" by Igor Brusic
  • "Many thanks to all involved with Wikimedia!" by anonymous
  • "El conocimiento debe ser como el agua, gratis y de libre acceso a toda la población. Ser culto para ser libre." by Juan Herraiz
  • "How could I not donate to the Encyclopedia Galactica (well, in a hundred years or so... give it time)?" by Craig Hirsch
  • "I loved the holiday card and enjoy the ever expanding Romanian encyclopedia." by Gordon Davidescu
  • "Wiki rocks" by Jeff Lima

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Paying it forward with knowledge" by anonymous
  • "Plain, clear, accessible knowledge in the grand encylopedic tradition. May Wikipedia flourish!" by William Bruneau
  • "Knowledge is Power, let it run free" by anonymous
  • "Blessed is the day I discovered this resource!" by anonymous

-- Daniel Mayer

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Tuesday 27 December

A total of 293 donations were made through PayPal on Day 12, yielding the equivalent of $8,333.09 USD; an increase of $2520 over Day 11. The average donation this day was $28.44.

A total of about $37.62 was donated through MoneyBookers since the last update, bringing that total to $810.30. Dexia donations total €276 ($322.26) via 12 donations.

Day total: $8,692.97

Breakdown of Day 12 PayPal donations:

AUD     138.84    (104.20 USD)
CAD 	369.82 	  (304.33 USD)
EUR 	1,652.61  (2,007.41 USD)
GBP 	196.25 	  (351.94 USD)
JPY 	49,128.00 (443.87 USD)
USD 	5,121.35
Total 	8,333.09 USD

Copied from:

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

An anonymous donor gave the largest donation on this day; $500 USD. Denis Bider gave $365.24, the second highest amount. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Emil Vlad, Roberta W. Orr, David Tam, John Gerbracht, Dwayne Pelletier, S Page, Reg Handford, Dallan Quass, and 11 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "Wikepedia is the most uesful site next to Google" by anonymous
  • "les autres sources de savoir sont toues en train de devenir payantes" by anonymous
  • "Macht weiter so! Es ist garnicht so einfach ohne Bezahlung richtige Informationen zu bekommen." by Peter Hammerl
  • "Because I know of no better place online" by anonymous
  • "To the most important WWW project ever. Well thought and well made" by anonymous
  • "If I have a question or an problem - Wikiedia is the solution!! Yes this is the best of the web!!" by Andreas Galster
  • "Il gesto e' piccolo ma trovo giusta dare una mano penso che anche una piccola offerta sia utile speriamo che diventi sempre migliore .Continuate cosi'." by alessandro motta
  • "Yeah, keep it going, keep it coming ! Support a great cause!" by Iain Davidson
  • "THE best online source of knowledge; unsurpassed in quality and content!!" by Roberta W. Orr
  • "Here's to the only medium that lets me fix other people's mistakes immediately." by denis bider
  • "The technical information available on this site is incredibly thorough and useful." by Randall Huggins
  • "Wikipedia makes boring school assignments so easy!" by Marcus Kaplan
  • "It's wonderful to be able to enjoy such quality information in such a clean free way. Thank you all!" by anonymous
  • "Roll out !" by S Page
  • "Happy to support this excellent project. You are fundamentally changing the way the world gets its information. : )" by anonymous
  • "One of the greatest sites ever. Wikipedia is the first place I go to learn about something." by Jonathan Ryan
  • "This may be the best thing ever." by Jason Fialkoff

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Wikipedia is better than corn chips, and I really like corn chips." by Chris Kilgour
  • "Give until it hurts. That is the only way to free knowlege" by Tarek Fatah
  • "Wikipedia is to the 21st Century what the library of Alexandria was to antiquity" by anonymous
  • "Once we dreamed The Net would put knowledge at our fingertips. Now, finally, it's true." by Joe Moross
  • "Worth so much more than I could ever give..." by John Eubank
  • "Together we can build something great." by anonymous
  • "Love this thing" by Hiver F Ambroise

-- Daniel Mayer

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Wednesday 28 December

A total of 287 donations were made through PayPal on Day 13, yielding the equivalent of $9,139.82 USD; an increase of $806.73 over Day 12. The average donation this day was $31.85 (second highest in the drive so far). A total of €538.76 ($651.54) was donated through Dexia via 15 donations.

Mail donations since the last update amounted to an amazing $7,788, bringing that total to $8,508.00 and the day's overall total to $17,579.36.

Breakdown of Day 13 PayPal donations:

AUD     76.24     (57.22 USD)
CAD 	185.39 	  (152.56 USD)
EUR 	1,561.37  (1,896.58 USD)
GBP 	310.32 	  (556.50 USD)
JPY 	75,224.00 (679.65 USD)
USD 	5,797.32
Total 	9,139.82 USD

Copied from:

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

An anonymous donor gave a $2000 USD donation this day! There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Raymond Maceiras, Prof J G Malone-Lee, Armando Ferreira, Masayoshi Sakaguchi, John Lehmann, Seshadri Ramani, Mark Svendsen, Dennis Maki, Henry Gurr, Carlan Met, and 6 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "Thank you! An interactive encyclopedia is a great idea! We use Wikipedia quite a lot and we like it as it is now, without ads, collaborative, and independent." by Carola and Miguel Andrade
  • "Travailler en communauté et pour la Communauté. Merci pour ce bel idéal." by anonymous
  • "Sorry, you can't edit this donation!" by Roberto Frangi
  • "Wiki is an excellent encyclopedia." by Masayoshi Sakaguchi
  • "Geniales, weltveraenderndes, offenes Projekt. Ich moechte da was zurueckgeben." by Björn Kuhlen
  • "thanks for the great infomation. I am a Fine art student and this is such a great site for a wealth of infomation. i use it almost everyday!" by jordan wolff
  • "perchè portate nelle case la conoscenza....grazie" by carlo bernardini
  • "An impressive and valued intellectual and cultural resource" by Dennis Maki
  • "I refer to you amost daily - keep it up!" by anonymous
  • "May this site be an example for others to follow in social participation" by Seshadri Ramani
  • "wikipedia!!! la miglior enciclopedia del mondo!!!! fantastca!!!!! se ognuno donasse un euro o un dollaro, si arriverebbe facilmente alla quota prefissata..." by anonymous
  • "I'm just sharing a part of what you've saved me. Thank you." by Dennis Storm
  • "With the stones of the past we build our future, and knowledge is how to use those stones." by Daniel Scallon
  • "Thank you. This is the power of internet." by anonymous
  • "A very valuable resource. Thank you." by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "After I become a billionaire, count me in for 10 million" by anonymous
  • "Thank you! The most reliable and comprehensive source I've found yet. Keep up the great work!" by anonymous
  • "A few years ago, I thought corporations would take over the Internet. Wikipedia is an example of community ownership that amazes me." by Mark Svendsen
  • "WikiPedia is a great project that helps all humanity. I'm impressed by how good you are and in such a short time! Keep up the good work!!!!!!" by Henry Gurr
  • "Wikipedia got me an A this semester." by Matthew Harrison
  • "Thanks to everyone who has contributed" by Daniel Cardenas
  • "Don't be a hippo! Donate now like me!" by John Devor

--Daniel Mayer

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Thursday 29 December

A total of 287 donations were made through PayPal on Day 14, yielding the equivalent of $9,835.33 USD; an increase of $695.51 over Day 13. The average donation this day was $27.47. A total of 7 Dexia donations today brought in €485 ($586.72).

MoneyBookers donations since the last update two days ago amounted to a record $471.59 thanks in large part to a single donation for about $300. The MoneyBookers total is now $1281.89. No mail donation updates to report today.

Day total: $10,893.64

Breakdown of Day 14 PayPal donations:

AUD     143.60    (107.77 USD)
CAD 	210.43 	  (173.16 USD)
EUR 	2,190.58  (2,660.88 USD)
GBP 	116.03 	  (208.08 USD)
JPY 	56,348.00 (509.10 USD)
USD 	6,176.34
Total 	9,835.33 USD

Copied from:

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

Lydia Bell gave the largest donation this day; $1000 USD. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); AKIRA NUKIYAMA, Sahadevan Harikrishnan, Christian Bai, G E Whittenburg, Philip Sung, and 17 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "Wikipedia:Bounty board bounty for shoe polish, particularly for the contributions of en:User:Proto." by Michael Crouch
  • "I often type "wiki" during a google search." by Tyler Totman
  • "Wikipedia has set an important milestone in open source knowledge and deserves our support." by Brian Khan
  • "Pour préserver l'indépendance de cette source unique de connaissances" by anonymous
  • "Knowledge is power! To the Board and the many contributors worldwide. A BIG Thanks!" by anonymous
  • "An extremely informative resources. I can spend hours reading. One page leads to the next..." by anonymous
  • "Gerne unterstütze ich die interessanteste Internet-Site der Welt" by Olav Groehn
  • "keep on giving knowledge. I love Wikipedia." by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia must go on!!" by anonymous
  • "un piccolo contributo per una grande causa: la conoscena a portata di tutti. continuate così ragazzi!" by sabrina vanzo
  • "I subscribe to Wiki's projects wholeheartedly" by AKIRA NUKIYAMA
  • "Out of sheer gratitude for Wikipedia" by Sahadevan Harikrishnan
  • "A little something back for the huge amount of free knowledge you supply...Thank you!" by Jacqueline Newmark
  • "I am not afraid to call Wikipedia the most amazing project on the web." by Mher Hakobyan
  • "Keep ad-free! And tnx for the xmas card :-)" by Ernst Mulder
  • "Wikimedia is what the whole internet is supposed to be like." by Cornelius Hardenbergh
  • "Brilliant!" by Thomas Feledy

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "About time i gave something back!" by anonymous
  • "As a student I don't have much, but if something is worth keeping up, it's Wikipedia." by anonymous
  • "I'm a student and I'm really pressed for cash right now. But f*ck it, this is for humanity." by Josef Falk
  • "Merci, wiki, de nous prouver que nous ne sommes pas tous stupides et que nous pouvons tous faire avancer la conscience humaine generale." by Alexandre Laronze
  • "Man, to think of the work I'd be doing if there wasn't wikipedia..." by anonymous :)
  • "Amazing idea, still amazes me every time I use it." by anonymous

-- Daniel Mayer

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Friday 30 December

A total of 315 donations were made through PayPal on Day 15, yielding the equivalent of $12,696.79 USD; an increase of $2861.46 over Day 14 (3rd highest so far in this drive). The average donation this day was $40.31 (highest so far). Six Dexia donors gave a total of €270 ($326.45).

A total of $750 was received in the Wikimedia office today, bringing that total to $9,258.00.

Day total: $13,773.24

Breakdown of Day 15 PayPal donations:

AUD     154.25    (115.76 USD) 
CAD 	146.06 	  (120.19 USD)
EUR 	1,306.77  (1,587.32 USD)
GBP 	216.86 	  (388.90 USD)
JPY 	11,820.00 (106.79 USD)
USD 	10,377.82
Total 	12,696.79 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

Ross Mayfield gave $2000 today, the largest donation of the day. David Gardner gave the second highest amount, $1000. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Robert Zettl, Dave Hamilton, Charles O'Kelley, Keith Weinberg, John Barnes, Sean Horgan, David Navara, Marsha Woerner, Edmond Tomas, Suraj Kothari, Richard Harms, Ofer Nave, Clay Shirky, and 22 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "I love this site. Please keep it open" by anonymous
  • "This site has been my main source of information for the past year - great work!" by Michael Petrov
  • "Wikipedia makes learning completely random things fun!" by Alex Brown
  • "Wikipedia ist ein grossartiges Werkzeug das ich nahezu täglich und für fast jede Suche benutze! Ich bin immer wieder überrascht was man alles finden kann!" by anonymous
  • "Wikimedia - the best thing to happen to the Internet. Keep up your excellent work." by anonymous
  • "Wikimedia helps me through my exams." by anonymous
  • "Socialtext, the first wiki company, is proud to support the Wikimedia Foundation" by Ross Mayfield
  • "Dieses tolle Projekt muss einfach weitergehen, ohne laestige Werbung und unabhaengig!!" by anonymous
  • "Thanks for the all the hard work. The site really is a credit to humanity." by A CROSS
  • "Génial, le savoir enfin libéré" by Stanislas Garret
  • "A valuable resource, a good cause. Thank you." by Jayson Miller
  • "vive la connaissance libre, continuons de construire le seul puit de savoir populaire et durable" by Antoine Veret
  • "Thanks everyone for fantastic job. Lets all together make a better world." by anonymous
  • "keep alive the worlds best encyclopedia" by christian boss
  • "Pour le plus beau projet du web" by Christophe Mehay
  • "Thank you for your service to the world!" by Troy Duran
  • "Best site ever created. Use it every day." by Charles Dunn
  • "Felicitaciones por su Enciclopedia" by Jorge Roca
  • "Yes, we do want knowledge to be free !!!" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Possibly one of the most worthwhile human endeavors since the human genome project – give." by anonymous
  • "I donate my time already, but I know that doesn't buy more servers!" by Greg Robson
  • "wonderful service. You deserve every cent, and wish I could contribute more often." by Guilherme Ambros
  • "Wikipedia flexes my brain. It's wikiwikiwonderful !!" by Thomas Goodloe
  • "To the new year! In 2007 I hope to move the decimal once to the right." by Lawrence Shoemaker
  • "Worth much more..." by arun rodrigues

-- Daniel Mayer

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Saturday 31 December

A total of 420 donations were made through PayPal on Day 16, yielding the equivalent of $12,701.14 USD; a very modest increase over Day 15 (3rd highest so far in this drive). The average donation this day was $30.24.

MoneyBookers donations since the last update two days ago amounted to $140.69, bringing that total to $1422.58.

Day total: $12,841.83
AUD     18.56     (13.93 USD)
CAD 	364.98    (300.35 USD)
EUR 	1,627.03  (1,976.34 USD)
GBP 	456.24 	  (818.18 USD)
JPY 	10,972.00 (99.13 USD)
USD 	9,493.22
Total 	12,701.14 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

An anonymous donor gave the largest donation this day, $500.00. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Colin Rose, Ralph Leighton, Neil Fred Picciotto, Kevin Griffin, Ray O'Donnell, Stuart Shay, Erik Anderson, Christopher Potter, and 31 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "Go Wikinews!" by Tim Spurrier
  • "So amazing to get all this information with a single click! Thank you all! :)" by anonymous
  • "One of the greatest online resources, ever!" by Kris Warren
  • "Here's to forwarding the sciences! Cheers to you Jimmy from a chemist!" by Patrick Holder
  • "Knowledge has no limits and Wikipedia makes paper books cry. It's becoming the greatest knowledge library for the whole world. Greets from Poland." by Michal Marzec
  • "Es importante que mantengan su esfuerzo" by anonymous
  • "Jimmy, try conducting charity concerts, and other public charity events, and you'll see more money coming. Please try it, at least just this once." by Christian Shultz
  • "I didn't do much reading for my college Chinese history class, but after reading the Wikipedia articles on Chinese history right before the exam, I aced it." by Quinn Carey
  • "I love Wikipedia! I love the spirit of sharing and egalitarianism it stands for. I also love the high quality of knowledge it has garnered under one roof. It is truly an inspirational enterprise." by Kathy Sun
  • " war und ist mir eine große Hilfe zum Studium. Mit einer Spende bedanke ich mich dafür" by Carmen Beyer
  • "Don't get cocky; learn from the traditional encyclopedias." by anonymous
  • "Happy New Wikiyear!" by anonymous
  • "The wiki foundation represents the true spirit of the internet which seems to have been forgotten in todays commercialist internet age, thanks." by Andrew Denny
  • "free as in freedom" by stefaan WATTE
  • "May God bless this great educational endeavor! -- Que Dios bendiga esta gran obra educativa!" by anonymous
  • "Oxford finals now significantly easier" by Thomas Ogg
  • "I used to talk to Jimmy Wales ages ago and have the uttermost respect for him." by David Tainsh
  • "理念に賛同して。" by Kazushige Suzuki
  • "The best encyclopedia of all - plus promising wikibooks for the world" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Wikipedia enhances my daily life. I love it." by anonymous
  • "I remember wiki as a wee baby. I luvs ya' wiki!!!" by Sean Russell
  • "Wikipedia is one of the world's most useful tools. It deserves every chance to blossom further." by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is something truly extraordinary, truly democratic, truly enlightened. It must live on!" by Ian Boswell
  • "Everyone wants to know the meaning of life...but ignores the library. Support Wikipedia!" by anonymous
  • "Let's not lose this rich opportunity; everybody please donate!" by Manfred Peschke
  • "This is (hopefully) the future of the Internet!" by Joel Wright
  • "To the Future, Wikipedia!" by anonymous

-- Daniel Mayer

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Sunday 1 January

A total of 719 donations were made through PayPal on Day 17, yielding the equivalent of $22,694.77 USD. This is about $10,000 over Day 16 and an all time record for any day in any drive the Wikimedia Foundation has ever had! Much of the increase is likely due to Jimmy Wales' posting of a personal appeal. The average donation this day was $31.56.

CafePress commissions from the start of the drive are $616.84. A total of $54.09 was donated through MoneyBookers since yesterday, bringing that total to $1476.67. All these updates bring the grand total above $200,000!

Day total: $23,365.70

Breakdown of Day 17 PayPal donations:

AUD     312.64     (234.64 USD)
CAD 	861.54 	   (708.97 USD)
EUR 	2,972.57   (3,610.75 USD)
GBP 	990.76 	   (1,776.73 USD)
JPY 	9,947.00   (89.87 USD)
USD 	16,273.81
Total 	22,694.77 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

Peter Hamilton gave the largest donation today, $1000. Three anonymous donors gave $500.00 each. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Kyprianos Theocharides, Andries Krugers Dagneaux, Ajit Jaokar, Ethan Bradford, John Flynn, Emily Pike, Juan Nuno, Dan Jones, Scot Colburn, Jaco Rheeder, Charlie Wiederhold, John Wilson III, Todd Griffith, Dave McClure, Leonard Lin, Hansung Jung, Kenneth Kantor, Chris Cole, Maurice Weeks, Michael Roberts, Alexander Jackl, Jessen Bredeson, Kan Chou, Chris Sun, Randall Seratte, and 33 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "First you take my time, now you take my money, and I STILL love Wikipedia. Feels almost like being married ;) -- Chris 73" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia's power is in its' contributor's clear, accurate prose." by Christopher Cormie
  • "Freedom of information! What a novel idea! ;-) Go Wiki - lets take the power back!" by Adriel Neal-Ogilvie
  • "Libertà di sapere, volontà di sapere" by anonymous
  • "The Best Thing on the Intenet. Jimmy - I'll hold you to the African child comment." by Mwangi Wamae
  • "Knowledge lifts up all mankind and improves the world for all" by Timothy McMullen
  • "Difficult to imagine how I did in the past without Wikipedia" by anonymous
  • "This site is amazing...if I could give ten times as much, I would!" by Tricia Maas
  • "my absolute favourite website of all times" by Vasily Myazin
  • "Gegen die Kommerzialisierung von Information" by anonymous
  • "there goes my salary :-)" by Daniel Wool
  • "Wikipedia is clearly the Soul of Hylozoism" by Peter Hamilton
  • "This site helps me out alot with school. Thanks guys!!!!" by anonymous
  • "Wiki is the future. Information without boundaries, physical or otherwise." by Jason Spratt
  • "I have learnt so much from wikipedia. Its time to give something back. Keep up the good work!" by Ajit Jaokar
  • "Wikipedia can save lives with its medical pages. It's helped me. Great reason to donate!" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia: Behold the generosity of the human race!" by Anthony Chisholm
  • "for the most useful website ever." by Götz Fabian
  • "Wikipedia is amazing! It's so easy to use and you can use it to help you with school, business, hobbies and just about anything. Viva la Wikipedia!" by Hannes Johnson
  • "Wikipedia is the best thing to happen to the Internet since the web." by Thomas Horsten
  • "Wikipedia is one of the best laid out resources online that I have spent countless hours browsing. I look forward to joining your contributors, and I encourage others to do the same. Much appreciation" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is the first place I look when I want to know something. Thanks!" by anonymous
  • "Libero Sapere, Libera società!" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Eventually, the skeptics will use it, and see what all the buzz is about. Informed opinion is priceless." by Susan Richardson
  • "Long live freedom of information! Long live Wikimedia!" by Joe Aston
  • "Thank you for showing us that the Internet isn't all about banner ads or how many pages a search engine can index, but about presenting accessible and relevant information in the languages that we speak." by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is the most important development to human knowledge and understanding since the printing press. Thank you to everyone that contributes and improves it." by Charlie Wiederhold
  • "Words are weapons of peace" by Kjetil Teige Ulbaasen
  • "Wikipedia is one of the best treasures of the information age." by Michael Skallas
  • "You should pay ME for all the time I've wasted err spent on Wikipedia!" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia has grown to be a major collective cultural achievement.!" by anonymous
  • "I really want to appear on the selected donor comments list!" by Jeffrey Chang

-- Daniel Mayer

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Monday 2 January

An all time record of 1361 donations were made through PayPal on Day 18, yielding the equivalent of an amazing $38,443.05 USD. This is about $16,000 more than the Day 17 and an all time record for any day in any drive the Wikimedia Foundation has ever had (the previous all time record was yesterday)! Much of the increase is likely due to the fact that Jimmy Wales' personal appeal was linked all day and due to press coverage about the appeal from Slashdot. The average donation this day was $28.25. Nine Dexia donations totaled €135 ($163.49) today.

Day total: $38,606.54

Breakdown of Day 18 PayPal donations:

AUD     1,063.02     (797.79 USD)
CAD 	1,577.45     (1,298.10 USD)
EUR 	6,102.54     (7,412.69 USD)
GBP 	1,409.44     (2,527.55 USD)
JPY 	33,103.00    (299.09 USD)
USD 	26,107.83
Total 	38,443.05 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

Wesley Boyd and an anonymous donor both gave 1000 USD, the largest donation this day. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Rodney A Olsen, James A Rogers, Wilma Leung, Scott Volk, Willem Van Ingen, Jorg Willekens, J W BARON V HEEMSTRA, Wolfgang Slany, Francisco Javier Aranda Granda, Justin Petszaft, TJ Wilson, Christopher Liao, Eric Yu, Arne Eide, Emmanuel Benazera, Paul Scott, christoph messmer, Michel Machado, Christian Hultner, Erard Gilles, Pomin Wu, Michael Mage, John C Partin, william n melton, John Bresee, Imre Simon, William Lachance, Chris Brookins, Doug Young, Simon Willison, Peter Lacey, Wayne A Lown, James Gettys, Per Franck, Charles Haynes, Kevin Watt, Sebastian Kun, Carl Shapiro, Dick Van kirk, Daniel Urman, Debra S Travis, Dave Menconi, Henry Laxen, Brady Jarvis, Anthony Niesz, Oliver Steinmeier and 53 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "Christmas money for Wikimedia, please continue like that!!" by Christoph Helms
  • "This is truly one of the most important projects currently in existence - long may it continue." by Justin Petszaft
  • "With hope that this donation will contribute in the struggle to make the knowledge of the world freely available and neatly packaged." by Henrik Persson
  • "You are redefining the social concept of an encyclopaedia, please go on!" by Imre Simon
  • "Comme au poker... je mise pour voir ce que sera Wikipédia dans 10 ans, dans 50 ans." by anonymous
  • "Even MediaWiki alone is worth this let alone the Wikimedia Sites" by Aron Rubin
  • "Wikipedia is important, and represents the great potential of a global network for social advancement. Carry on!" by Michael Tyson
  • "May the force be with Wikimedia. Greetings from India." by Chandan Haldar
  • "When I need background info, Wikipedia is the first place I look." by Rob Manuel
  • "Wikipedia is having a huge impact already, and brings me great hope for the future." by Jason Woofenden
  • "Este proyecto demuestra que nos podemos salir del modelo capitalista en la gestion de la información" by Jose Manuel Perez Pita
  • "The best site on the internet bar none. A bottomless source of information and knowledge. Simply, wikid!" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is the Internet at its best" by Rodney A Olsen
  • "Per la conoscenza libera!" by Nicola Ruggero
  • "Wikipedia, where else can you get information on ANY topic you come across?" by Berend van Berkum
  • "いつも参考にしてます。" by anonymous
  • "want to see more of Indian language content!!!" by Rajidhar Etta
  • "My own finances aren't too good at the moment, but Wikipedia is one of the things that make life worth living." by anonymous
  • "I'd vote for a UK government forward thinking enough to give Wikipedia funding of £1m per year." by David Boden
  • "Wikipedia is het instrument voor spreiding van kennis" by anonymous
  • "Since the wikipedia is becoming my first place to go to for info i thought i'd donate" by Clayton Parker
  • "All wiki's doing, is providing the access; you however will provide everything else." by anonymous
  • "Free textbooks, yes, please." by John Toby Knudsen

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "I’m doing this for my own daughter, who I hope will grow up in a world where culture is free" by Khalid Alyahya
  • "Wikimedia - The real Internet within the Internet." by Robert Harambura
  • "As a teacher, Wikipedia represents the complete and fundamental change in the way I work with students. Keep up the great work everyone. Pay a little, get a lot!!!" by Jay Kennard
  • "Years from now historians will dedicate careers studying the impact of the Wikipedia. If we are lucky enough to maintain it." by Charles Amrhein
  • "Every time you criticize Wikipedia, God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens!" by Peter Hare
  • "I really think this is the greatest, most ambitious site on the internet. Keep up the good work!" by anonymous
  • "Thank you for giving us the opportunity to contribute." by Richard G Brooks
  • "Wikipedia has the potential for being an extraordinary resource, akin to the Encyclopedia Galactica. But just as 'eternal vigilance is the price of liberty', we all need to get personally involved!" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is such an important dream that we should all try to make it come true" by Traci Loudin
  • "Wikipedia got me through school!" by anonymous
  • "Freedom isn't free. Support Wikimedia!" by Stephen W Wood

-- Daniel Mayer

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Tuesday 3 January

Day 19 was another record day of fundraising! Today saw the second highest number of donations ever made in a single day, 1193, and the second highest total donated; $33,474.07 (both PayPal figures). The average donation this day was $28.06. Mail donations this day were $783.43. Dexia donations totaled €502.21 ($608.20) via 15 donations.

Day total: $34,865.70

Breakdown of Day 19 PayPal donations:

AUD     1,061.64   (796.76 USD)
CAD 	1,475.92   (1,214.55 USD) 
EUR 	4,762.05   (5,784.41 USD)
GBP 	1,588.38   (2,848.44 USD)
JPY 	30,861.00  (278.83 USD)
USD 	22,551.08
Total 	33,474.07 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

An anonymous gave $500, the largest donation for the day. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Alex Tan, jdavid grimshaw, Bonaventure Saptel, Roger D Moore, paul RIVIER, Laurence Ronayne, Alfonso Martin-Maldonado Martin, Jan Kelly, Richard Morin, Carl Hewitt, Mahalie M Pech, Jeffrey Puritz, CHANG ZEN TSAI, Sam Pullara, Anand Desai, Michael Koziarski, A N T AAN DE STEGGE, Robert Zeller, KER JAR SONG, Andrew Gallagher, James Taylor, Douglas Hainline, Marco Beri, Dai Barr, William Armstrong, David Astels, John Lawler, Chris Bartle, Eric Towers, Errol Alpay, James M Orrell, John Broughton, Norma Pierce, Jose Luis Cordova, Fredrik Johansson, Asa Canaway, and 50 anonymous donors.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "You are an amazing conduit, fusing the best aspects of the global community and its shared knowledge. I salute you!" by anonymous
  • "This is why the internet was created. The money is a trifle compared with the benefits." by Richard Escobedo
  • "A more relevant resource than my text books." by anonymous
  • "I'm amazed at the quality of the entries - thank you, Wikipedia" by anonymous
  • "Ironiquement, c'est pour cette merveilleuse source d'information libre que je finis par délier ma bourse, n'en déplaise à ceux qui exige qu'on les paie pour accéder à leur contenu." by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia, I don't know how I ever did without you! Accept this donation as a gesture of my gratefulness." by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia A site I use in my day-to-day studies. A wealth of knowledge, A Wonderful and 'free' service thank you." by isaac bullen
  • "Grazie per cio' che fate. Viva la cultura libera." by anonymous
  • "Use and love Wikipedia every day. Even on a student budget, I'm glad to help!" by Benjamin Van Der Veen
  • "knowledge, clean and simple as it should be." by Laurence Ronayne
  • "I do hope knowledge will spread and defeat violence which is caused by ignorance" by francesco pirotti
  • "I'm happy to give some cash, especially since I havne't had time to contribute info as much as I've planned to!" by Mahalie M Pech
  • "Teachers...tell your students..." by James North
  • "In memory of Preston G. Simpson" by anonymous
  • "Die Informationen helfen mir immer weiter. Ich möchte daher Wikipedia unterstützen" by Claudia Frank
  • "Wikipedia is changing the world. Thanks to all contributors and good luck!" by Frank Wagner
  • "This is a fantastic service which I use every single day. Do keep up the great work!" by Marc Leger
  • "Wikipedia saves me money on textbooks and teaches me new things every day. Without a doubt, a staple of the internet." by anonymous
  • "This is the greatest gift the human race has ever given. The most noble pursuit. I wish I could give more." by Thomas Laugle
  • " es por mucho la mejor página de busqueda en Internet me a ayudado a mi por 2 años y siempre ha resuelto mis dudas." by Lourdes Carvajal
  • "Wikipedia stands right alongside the Internet and the World Wide Web in its promise for the advancement of humankind's civilized development." by JOEL H ROBERTS
  • "in loving memory of Jim Zlogar" by Jeffrey Will
  • "Wikipedia to me is a huge fountain which quenches the never ending thirst for knowledge - Thank you" by mohan sagar
  • "Wikipedia is the most exciting and useful site I have found on the Internet. I have literally spent days here doing research for an upcoming book. Thanks guys, I hope we can indeed take back the web." by John McAlister
  • "Crescat scientia, vita excolatur" by anonymous
  • "Just like contributing to public radio: you don't have to, but you ought to" by DAVIDE ANDREA

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Wikimedia is a Home schooling parents dream, thank you." by Vicki Grech
  • "I feel truly privileged to be living in a time when I can participate in something as world-changing as Wikipedia etc. – keep it up!" by anonymous
  • "This is one of the things that raises the quality of the Internet as a whole" by Lorenzo Bolognini
  • "Restores your faith that there are rational, conscientious, intelligent people out there." by anonymous
  • "i use your services, like public television, its only decent and right to contribute.Thank you Wikipedia!" by anonymous
  • "An absolutely brilliant idea! Jimmy Wales for the Nobel Peace Prize!" by Douglas Hainline
  • "Stop wasting time reading comments and write an article!" by Eric Towers

-- Daniel Mayer

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Wednesday 4 January

Best day ever.

Day 20 beat out Day 18 as the most successful fundraising day in any fund drive in the Wikimedia Foundation's history! Over $40,000 was raised today. We also saw the third highest number of PayPal donations ever made in a single day, 1011. The average PayPal donation this day was $26.06.

Yesterday we received $783.43 in the mail and today we received an amazing $15,067, yielding a new grand total of $25,108.43 for that method. A total of $632.46 was donated through MoneyBookers since the last update on Sunday, bringing that total to $2,109.13. Dexia donors gave a total of €465 ($562.77) via 16 donations.

All these updates, together, bring the grand total well above $300,000; an amount unequaled in any fund drive we have ever had!

Total for the day: $42,612.36

Breakdown of Day 20 PayPal donations:

AUD     586.34     (440.05 USD)
CAD 	864.22     (711.17 USD)
EUR 	4,627.59   (5,621.09 USD)
GBP 	1,029.42   (1,846.06 USD)
JPY 	81,156.00  (733.24 USD)
USD 	16,998.52
Total 	26,350.13 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

An anonymous donor gave the largest PayPal donation this day, ¥50,000 (about $430 USD). Other donors gave very large mail donations that arrived today; $6000, $5000, and $1395.

There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Martin Naroznik, George Karipidis, Jeremy Huet, Michael Stroeck, Eugenio Furtado, Erhard Mächler, Anastasia Kender, Julian Harty, MR B R JEFFERYS, Russell Burdt, Sarah Randolph, Curtis Sims II, Soren Ragsdale, Erik Buehler, Kimberly Stanley, Julius Medwin, William Stearns, Ryel Kestenbaum, Jonathan Cody, Alida Latham, Gordon Lyon, David Gibson, Peter Boivin, Dennis Smith, Andrew Rosenfeld, Peter Steinberg, Michael Grazidei, Alan Beall, Daniel Self, Shirley Sagawa, Maryam Iqbal, James Bromley, and 34 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "It's my first donation, it won't be the last" by Greg Rogers
  • "This is my second time using Wikimedia site. Wonderful site of great content. Many Thanks." by Radhika Prabhu
  • "In loving memory of Elsie Lord, who taught me to read" by Robert Lord
  • "Truly I cannot put a price on how much Wikipedia has helped in my studies, my work and in my general interests. More than that it has expanded my horizons and given inspiration. Thank you." by anonymous
  • "Bravo à Wikipedia, merveilleuse initiative à soutenir à tout prix. Mais il faut absolument que l'internaute qui crée ou modifie un article soit obligé de s'identifier en ouvrant un compte" by SARL ARMOISE
  • "Wikipedia is a great source of research information, we got to keep it online!" by Aaron Bradford *"Never a cause more worthwhile." by anonymous
  • "My second donation. You're worth it Wikipedia, and more!" by Etienne Boucher
  • "Without Wikipedia my GPA would be much lower and my stress level much higher." by David Runger
  • "Voilà mon premier appuis pour l'accessibilité libre à la propriété intellectuelle" by Olivier Milette
  • "This website is what the internet is all about, And I hope that it becomes the foundation of a thought moddle for our society." by Peter Kucer-Dougherty
  • "This is a fantastic way of using the power of the internet - keep up the brilliant work!" by Henrique Aretz
  • "Excellent information. I've been searching for hours in loops - all the info I needed was here!" by Maureen Brennan
  • "I can go to Wikipedia for everything from school research to petty entertainment trivia and not be disappointed... Very glad to help contribute to its running." by anonymous
  • "nati non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canascenza" by anonymous
  • "Better a small gift than a big banner ads! ;oP" by Robin Leclercq
  • "Thank you for sending the Christmas card." by Takahiro Kanagawa
  • "Brilliant!!! Wikipedia is a pillar of light for all that is good, righteous and inanely trivial :)" by anonymous
  • "From Taiwan, we support Wikipedia" by Chieh Deng
  • "Thank you for the gift of knowledge... it's the best one, please keep the good work!" by Pedro Rodriguez
  • "what did I do without it?" by anonymous

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "Knowledge = Power = Freedom" by Luca Tironi
  • "Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away." by Richard Hough
  • "Wiki, thanks for distracting me for countless hours during exam period" by anonymous
  • "I have used wikipedia countless times to help me with school, to learn new things, or to prove my friends wrong! Keep up the Great work! With 3 Years of University left, I need a site like this!" by James Poremba
  • "If problems are born of ignorance, then knowledge is the key to unlock the world of its problems. I would to help push the word "ignorance" from our daily use into the history books where it belongs." by Alan Beall
  • "Wikipedia.. What can I say, everything about this project blows my mind in its simplicity and effectiveness. Thank you SO much for keeping this information free." by Blake Farrow
  • "Can you believe they let someone like me write about thermodynamics?" by anonymous
  • "This is a free world, a world without boundaries, where all of us can learn from each other. Let us celebrate" by Rajesh Ramasubramanian
  • "This one's for the hamster article." by Yue Cheng Zhu

-- Daniel Mayer

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Thursday 5 January

The fund drive is officially over but donations are always being accepted and will be put to good use.

This was the most successful fundraiser the Wikimedia Foundation's history! Over 12,000 people gave over $350,000 USD, which will enable the foundation to support Wikipedia and its sister projects this quarter. A big 'Thank you!' to everyone who donated. A proper report for the whole drive will need to wait until the final Dexia and mail donation updates have been received.

For Day 21 a total of 1292 people gave a total of $33,741.07 through PayPal. There were no donations made through MoneyBookers and no updates on Dexia donations at this time. A total of $1,050 was collected from mail donations at the Wikimedia office this day. The average PayPal donation this day was $26.12. $381.43 in CafePress commisions were recorded for this day. Additional mail donations that were postmarked before the end of the drive and later collected at the Wikimedia office total $36,260.65 as of Daniel Mayer 17:06, 13 January 2006 (UTC).

Day total: $35,172.50
Updates after day: $36,260.65
Grand total at end of day: $391,256.06

Breakdown of Day 21 PayPal donations:

AUD     1,037.33   (778.51 USD)
CAD 	1,445.78   (1,189.75 USD)
EUR 	4,292.77   (5,214.38 USD)
GBP 	1,448.43   (2,597.47 USD)
JPY 	37,410.00  (338.00 USD)
USD 	23,622.96
Total 	33,741.07 USD

Special thanks to those who gave large donations

David Peterson gave the largest donation this day, $1,000.00. There were also many donors who gave the equivalent of about $100 or more (listed in no particular order); Paul Kaufmann, G J Reid, Anthony Zwarich, Iain Galloway, Robert Stoop, Stefano Perfetti, Gilles Volluz, Daniel Haertle, David Reaven, Sebastian Mathews, D Neal, Robert Merritt, Jonathan Rosen, Steven Johnson, Robert Caruso, Eric Rechlin, Raymond Bernard, Adam Shand, Michael Brumm, Wayne Slavin, terrence parker, Davras Yavuz, Vivek Jetley, Rakesh Loonkar, richard marini, Craig Taverner, Timothy White, Adam Smith, GURUPAL SANDHU, Daniel Armstrong, Travis McKay, Scott Marcus, David Fawcett, David Hershberger, Harold Strain, and 46 anonymous donors.

Note: While large donations are great, it should be noted that about 70% of all the money donated to the Wikimedia Foundation comes from donations that are the equivalent of $50 or less and the average donation is about $25.

Selected donor comments

Let's all thank everybody who donated on this day by reading their comments.

Full listing at:
  • "You can't put a price on Wikipedia." by anonymous
  • "Merci, merci pour tout" by Sébastien Périer
  • "A great extension of the original alturistic ideals of the internet" by Gavin Moodie
  • "Wikipedia is an exceptional and visionary site." by anonymous
  • "Eines der tollsten Projekte, die das Internet bis jetzt hervorgebracht hat. Riesen Dank an alle Autoren!" by anonymous
  • "Rarely does knowledge have such great champions." by Sebastian Mathews
  • "Anyone that has ever used Wikipedia understands the importance of the free flow of culture, ideas and information that the site brings. But community is a two way process. Please give what you can." by anonymous
  • "I am a physics graduate student from China. I enjoy using Wikipedia!" by Meng Lu
  • "I hope this small amount helps you make the world a better place for those who are not as lucky as the rest of us." by anonymous
  • Since I use it, I don't mind paying for that privilege so others can use this as well." by anonymous
  • "Your information is assisting me in putting together a program on fair housing law for the apartment industry. Thank you!" by anonymous
  • "This project has been helpful in my graduate studies." by William Myatt
  • "Per la libera condivisione dei saperi" by Fabio Volpe
  • "I have always found Wikipedia to be a thorough, unbiassed source for curious whims and real concerns. I find this mission to be noble and important. Thank you Wikipedia." by Danielle Pearson
  • "I want to thank you (and your daughter) for this site - I owe my 'A' grades this fall to Wikipedia and I thought you should know. As a student, this is all I can afford! For now, anyway..." by anonymous
  • "Why are copyrighted gradeschool Math textbooks $50 when the paper and binding costs about $4? The language of Math should not be copyrighted for ridiculous profits." by anonymous
  • "for TimStarling's assistance tracking down my MediaWiki issues" by Jonathan Cary
  • "I love Wikipedia! It has encouraged me to leave the corporate world to serve humanity. Keep up the good work!" by anonymous
  • "Who needs textbooks! Thanks Wikimedia!" by anonymous
  • "Wikipedia is the epitome of freedom, the internet as it should have been - free access to the sum of human knowledge. Keep up the good work!" by David McCormick
  • "Die beste Enzklopädie." by Tobias Nopper
  • "The posting of the financials convinced me. The funds are being used to expand Wikiprdia. Here is my contribution toward that expansion." by Bernard Dombrowski
  • "Information wants to be free; and I'm willing to pay for its freedom." by Mike Sollanych
  • "I am happy to contribute to this historic endeavor !" by Marcello Rolim Coelho

Some of my personal favorites:

  • "If my comment doesn't make it on to the daily report, can I edit it?" by N Lowey
  • "A peaceful and prosperous future comes from knowledge, freedom, and action. Act now to keep your knowledge free." by Michael Brumm
  • ""An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin" by Jonathan Rosen
  • "I am a first-year teacher and Wikipedia has been invaluable to the creation of my lesson plans. Thanks!" by Philip Hart
  • "Sterling stuff. If it wasn't for Wikipedia I'd have learned next to nothing this week about norse gods, diamond mining, Rubik's cubes and Braille" by Chris Rae
  • "Thanks for all those useful articles which saved me from hours of research!" by Manuel Müssig
  • "The price I would pay monthly to Britannica I'd rather donate to Wikipedia." by Piotr Przemyslaw Karwasz
  • "Stuart Brand said "information wants to be free." We have to pay its bail." by Bob McCoy
  • "I see tremendous potential for Wikipedia books project for advancing rural education in developing countries. I wish this entire endeavor best of luck!" by Aditi Sen
  • "I strongly support the aims and methods of the Wikipedia Foundation - this shows how good the world can be" by anonymous
  • "For my children Francis and Maya, and their kids ...and all kids, who should have the right to learn without limits in order to make the world a better place" by Ronald Savage
  • "Stop Reading Comments - Donation box is in top right hand corner!" by Adam Cooper

-- Daniel Mayer

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