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All figures are in U.S. dollars. A total of $739,200 was budgeted for the 2005 calendar year.

See also

Quarter 4 (1 October to 31 December)

Hosting related [66.78%]
   Hardware $190,000   59.15%
   Hosting charges $24,000   7.47%
   Domain names $500 0.16%
Personnel (2 full-time & 2 part-time) $33,100 10.31%
Travel $7,500 2.33%
Legal expenses, insur, and trademks $10,000 3.11%
Office expenses $5,900 1.84%
Chapter startup money $2,000 0.62%
Promotional $3,000 0.93%
Financial costs (fundraising/bank fees) $10,000 3.11%
Miscellaneous expenses (~2%) $6,000 1.87%
Reserve (~10%) $29,200 9.09%
TOTAL $321,200

* includes cost of benefits (full-time personnel), taxes and other overhead costs

  • Budget approved at the 1 October 2005 budget meeting. The detailed subpages at meta:Wikimedia budget/2005/Q4 are not official yet. Only $160,000 was available at the start of the quarter, creating a budget shortfall of $161,200. A fund drive starting on 1 December was scheduled at the meeting as well. --Daniel Mayer 18:18, 1 October 2005 (UTC)
  • As of 1-Oct-2005 we have $156,000 in SunTrust and $22,000 in PayPal. But $18,000 of that is reserve money that should not be spent. --Daniel Mayer 14:06, 1 October 2005 (UTC)

Quarter 3 (1 July to 30 September)

Hosting related [71.72%]
   Hardware $125,000.00  63.13%
   Hosting charges $16,000.00 8.08%
   Domain names/trademarks $1,000.00 0.51%
Personnel (1 full-time and 2 part-time) $18,500 9.35%
Travel $7,500.00 3.79%
Legal expenses & insur $4,000.00 2.02%
Office expenses $2,500.00 1.26%
Audit of records $2,000.00 1.01%
Chapter startup money $2,000.00 1.01%
Promotional $500.00 0.25%
Miscellaneous expenses $1,000.00 0.51%
Reserve (10%) $18,000.00 9.09%
TOTAL $198,000.00

Quarter 2 (1 April to 30 June)

Second Quarter 2005 Budget vs Actual
Budget Actual
fixed asset Hardware $55,000.00 $69,165.01
expense Hosting $16,000.00 $30,086.99
expense Travel $5,000.00 $11,427.30
expense Domain names $500.00 $818.28
expense Office expenses $2,500.00 $2,145.13
expense Miscellaneous $1,000.00 $710.04
expense Developer contract $8,000.00 $10,000.00
expense Hardware assistant $1,500.00 $900.00
expense Promo/Fundraising $500.00 $5,421.14
TOTAL $90,000.00 $130,673.89
Wikimania tickets $6,320.95
CafePress Commissions $510.09
Credit Card Service $1.00
MoneyBookers Donations $201.56
Other Donations $64,938.52
PayPal Donations $19,842.96
Foreign Exchange Gain -$2,826.69
Interest Income $77.33
TOTAL $89,065.72
  • Q1 and Q2 were effectively treated as a single fiscal unit and therefore make most sense when viewed together. See the mid year report at Finance report for that analysis. --Daniel Mayer 03:06, 16 December 2005 (UTC)
  • Q2 budget was retroactively approved at the 14 Aug 2005 board meeting. --Daniel Mayer 01:30, 17 August 2005 (UTC)
  • There was no real quarter 2 budget. All the numbers are exactly the same from the Q1 budget except for the hardware item. The Q2 number was $40,000 less due to the fact that the Q1 hardware budget was inflated by that amount due to a grant. --Daniel Mayer 02:29, 23 July 2005 (UTC)

Quarter 1 (1 January to 31 March)

Agreed to at Meetings/February 7, 2005

First Quarter 2005 Budget vs Actual
Budget Actual
fixed asset Hardware $95,000.00 $23,317.70
expense Hosting $16,000.00 $2,160.00
expense Travel $5,000.00 $5,109.51
expense Domain names $500.00 $1,081.71
expense Office expenses $2,500.00 $1,757.81
expense Miscellaneous $1,000.00 $982.16
expense Developer contract $8,000.00 $5,000.00
expense Fundraising/Promotional $500.00 $4,833.29
expense Hardware assistant $1,500.00 $1,030.00
TOTAL $130,000.00 $45,272.18
CafePress Commissions $1,207.71
Credit Card Service $0.00
MoneyBookers Donations $914.19
Other Donations $57,440.14
PayPal Donations $100,853.00
Foreign Exchange Gain $243.93
Interest Income $37.71
TOTAL $160,696.68
  • We were way under budget for this quarter. This was mostly due to delayed hardware purchases and delayed hosting payments. In fact, both quarters were effectively treated as a single fiscal unit and therefore make most sense when viewed together. See the mid year report at Finance report for that analysis.
  • A grant of $40,000 is from the Lounsbery Foundation. It is part of the 'Other donations' income item.
  • Fund drive scheduled to start Friday 18 February 2005 and last for 3 weeks.