This is an official agenda for a meeting of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this content and a translation, the original English version takes precedence. |
←Board meetings | Agenda for April 22, 2016 | Questions? |
Meeting to be held in Berlin, before the Wikimedia Conference 2016.
- Introduction
- The Chair will call the meeting to order.
- Housekeeping
- The Board will review past minutes, a draft code of conduct, a draft confidentiality agreement, and a potential amendment to the Board Handbook on the onboarding process for new trustees.
- Committee updates
- The chairs of the Governance, Human Resources, and Audit committees will provide an update from their committee, if appropriate. The liaisons for the Funds Dissemination Committee and Affiliations Committee may also provide an update.
- Filling Board seats
- The Board will discuss the needs and process for filling the open seats on the Board.
- Executive Director Search
- The Executive Director search steering group will provide an update and discuss with the Board.
- Operations update
- Katherine will provide a regular operations update for the Wikimedia Foundation, including the annual plan 2016-2017 and the 2016-2018 strategy.
- Endowment update
- The Board will discuss the endowment and its advisory board.
- Executive Session
- The Board will reserve time for confidential discussion without staff present, as needed.