This is an official agenda for a meeting of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this content and a translation, the original English version takes precedence. |
←Board meetings | Agenda for January 30, 2016 | Questions? |
Meeting to be held by Google Hangouts / Phone
- Introduction
- The Chair will call the meeting to order.
- Housekeeping
- The Board will review past minutes, membership of the Audit Committee, the open Board seats, and changes to the Board Handbook.
- Score card and annual plan update
- Lila will provide a regular operational scorecard and an update on annual planning.
- Affiliate-selected board seats
- The Board will discuss the upcoming selection process.
- Strategy update
- Lila will provide a regular strategy update.
- HR Committee update
- Update from the HR Committee.
- Executive Session
- The Board will reserve time for confidential discussion without staff present, as needed.