Legal:DMCA/Cadiz 18 Feb 2012

Feb. 18, 2012

Michelle Cadiz

[email address removed]

C/O Copyright Agent for Notice of Claims of Copyright Infringement

Sent via: Email

DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement

Dear Wikipedia,

I, Michelle Cadiz, certify under penalty of perjury, that I am the authorized owner of certain intellectual property rights.

I have a good faith belief that the items or materials listed below are not authorized by law for use by the above named domain name owner or their agents and therefore infringes the copyright owner's rights. I hereby demand that you act expeditiously to remove or disable access to the material or items claimed to be infringing.

This website water-marked all my copyrighted pictures.

My contact information is as follows:

Michelle Cadiz

[email address removed]

Infringing materials that I demand be disabled or removed in consideration of below:


My electronic signature follows:


Michelle Cadiz